Sunday, April 25, 2021

Probably the best description of the current environment of Hollywood and the Oscars

"L.A. Homeless Man Feeling Unsafe As Limos Full Of Drug Addicts And Perverts Show Up In His Neighborhood".


  1. Here's another one:

  2. Actually, the homeless are probably the only people who noticed the arrival of the world's betters. I don't think they even get all that much attention from paparazzi anymore.

  3. I have spent the past week ignoring breathless notifications that THE OSCARS!!!!! was Sunday. I get up this morning and realize that I shall spend the next week ignoring breathless coverage of what happened at THE OSCARS!!!!!

  4. I didn't even realize that the Oscars were on until I flipped past a channel looking for a hockey game.
    I did watch about 5 seconds of the Red Carpet!!!!!! bs, the 'journalists' were acting all breathless but it appeared to me that even they realized nobody gave a crap.
