Monday, May 3, 2021

Even people in far away Australia...

 ...are watching Joe Biden stink.

Update More worrisome is the fact that China, Russia and Iran are watching while Biden's people leave U.S. security parked in a bad part of town, with the key in the ignition, the engine running and the doors open.


  1. Rural Australia gets Skynews on free TV, unlike the 'big city' where they have to pay. So we watch Alan Jones, Rita Panahi, Andrew Bolt etc free, as we are upstate from Sydney. In fact we get Sky via Wollongong TV (how would you guys pronounce that? We say 'wool-un-gong').

    I just realised that Ace's Pixymisa is here in Sydney, and hints that she's a grandmother as well. That figures.

  2. And I thought Obama was embarrassing.

  3. Every time Biden opens his pie hole, China gets a day closer to invading Taiwan. I can feel it in my bones.
