Sunday, May 2, 2021

RINOs - they're all legends in their own minds

 Glenn Greenwald may be a liberal, but he scores some great hits against the phonies of NeverTrumpism.

Haw! How's that anti-Trump trailblazing going, Michael Wood? When I think of trailblazers, I think of pioneers, and the classic definition of a pioneer is a guy lying face down in the mud with an arrow in his back.


  1. Good Lord, it's as though these people never look for results. They continue blithely along, spouting the same tired quips and smirking at their media "friends," never looking back to see if they've gained a following.

    Never Trumpers are that rare thing, a popular movement with no actual members. Deliberate astroturfing between faux Republicans and the media that despises them.
