Saturday, May 1, 2021

Republicans get awful advice from so many people, the sheer numbers make it hard to weed these dubious counselors out

But weed them out we must. 

For example, I never paid much attention to "GOP" pollster Frank Luntz - but apparently the Republican establishment does, and, as Tucker Carlson points out, that's a huge problem.


  1. I'd start with jettisoning very one who said Trump should stop tweeting.
    The only way Trump got his unfiltered by people who hate him message out was via twitter.
    The people who told him to stop are the good-loser wing of the party, like Romney.

  2. People rely too much on numerical analysis and statistics. Wave a bunch of statistics in front of a political leader and you become their guru.

  3. It's no good to hire a pollster who marches lockstep with your own ideology, and maybe too much to expect a pollster to be actually neutral politically. But we could at least hire those who keep their politics private and do not obviously stake out a position of their own.

    You know, somebody who adheres to some kind of professional behavior.
