Saturday, August 6, 2022

What are you "bent" on, Bill?

"Barr: Trump ‘obviously bent on revenge more than anything else’".

Possibly. Could also be that the treachery perpetrated against Trump by the FBI and other federal bureaucrats is a crime that will repeat itself - regardless of who the Republican president is - unless this corruption is expunged from government, which is not going to happen by playing forgive and forget.

Maybe Doc Holliday had the right end of the stick...


Stephen A Skubinna said...

At this point I am perfectly fine with revenge. I would relish watching some Old Testament stuff brought down on the swamp creatures.

Paco said...

Full disclosure: me, too.

RebeccaH said...

Me, too, and throw in some of that reckoning while we're at it.

Veeshir said...

I'm surprised Barr is campaigning for Trump after being a weaselly fifth columnist.

JeffS said...

Revenge and/or reckoning. Either works for me.