Friday, September 30, 2022


 Found a link to this over in the comments section at Ace's place.

3 comments: said...

Thanks to the internet, future generations will never have to ask 'Why was Joe Biden such a bad president?'

rinardman said...

Why would The Leader of the Free World need to be cognizant of where he's at and what he needs to do in the next 60 seconds, all the time?

RebeccaH said...

It isn't only the wandering. It's how he stands there, looking around for a clue, with his hands knotted into fists in front of him as if he's afraid he might fall. The man is deep into dementia now, and there's no hiding it anymore, no matter how many anti-aging drugs they pump into him. His mishandlers can't even trust him with a teleprompter anymore.