Wednesday, October 5, 2022


There's no fool like an old fool: "White House Mocked for Promising ‘Better America’ with Joe Biden Corvette Photo". Unless there's an EV power plant under that car body, you've got some 'splainin' to do President Green Energy.

By the way, genius, that's quite an achievement: "Biden’s Economy Sees Worst First Half for Stocks Since 1872".

It's a start: "Citing Concern for Free Speech, 12 Federal Judges Say They Won’t Take Clerks from Yale Law School".

There are some things that -  figuratively, you understand - make me want to reach for my Glock, and the whole sexual reassignment thing for children is at the top of the list: "A New York Father Is Fighting for His Daughter's Body and Soul".

Related: "Doctors against dissent, trans edition". Try this on for size:

The American Academy of Physicians, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association are now asking the Justice Department to sic the FBI on critics of transgender sterilization and mutilation of children.

I certainly hope so: "Is Canada On The Verge Of A Political Revolution?"

Yeah, I always thought the capybaras were up to no good: "Federal ‘anti-terrorism’ funds flowed to zoos, museums: watchdog report".

Nope, not a Babylon Bee headline; it's the real McCoy: "Disney Cancels New Release of 'Little Demon' About a Woman Impregnated by Satan and Her Antichrist Daughter". The only thing that surprises me is that they canceled it.

It's no wonder that dogs are the historical enemy of letter carriers: dogs know. "USPS Has Been Spying On Gun Rights Supporters and Conservatives".


Gregoryno6 said...

Much as I respect Sowell, he really should not have phrased that comment as a question.
Because inevitably, the answer will be No.

rinardman said...

I think Mr. Sowell's mistake was using the word "ultimate". When the left is involved, you shouldn't use the words ultimate, peak, final, or any term signifying an ending.

The left never sleeps when it comes to absurdity.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

My current favorite Sowell quote is (paraphrasing): "How much of my labor do you consider to be your 'fair share?'"

Deborah said...

Hadn't heard that, so thank you for bringing it. That's valuable in the fight against the Left.