Tuesday, December 20, 2022

An old face returns

Former Australian PM Kevin Rudd has been named Australia's new ambassador to the United States.

H/T: Gregory at The mind is an unexplored country.

"I have come here to chew ear wax and kick ass; and I'm all out of ear wax."


  1. If he sticks to eating ear wax, we'll all be very lucky indeed.
    When Rudd did the turnaround on Joolya and returned to the PM's job in 2013, a large chunk of the Cabinet walked out rather than serve under him again.


    Kev's superpower is PO'ing everyone. He's got the diplomatic skills of an incontinent buffalo.

  2. Remember all the fun we had kicking Rudd around at Tim Blair's Spleenville? Good times.

  3. Rebecca: That was a golden age, for sure.
