Saturday, December 31, 2022

Do tell

We know John Brennan was (?) a communist, but James Comey also claims to have been a red in his younger days.

The former CIA Chief John Brennan was a communist by his own admission. What we didn’t know is that James Comey, the former FBI Director, says he was a communist too. He doesn’t know what he is now.

Whether communist, Reaganite or opportunistic grandstander, one thing's never changed: he has always been - and I mean this in the kindliest possible sense, in the spirit of constructive criticism - a vain, sanctimonious a$$hole.


  1. He's a greedy, vain, sanctimonious a$$hole. He's been following the money since forever.

  2. He should have just come out and admitted that he has no principles whatsoever and merely bends with the wind.
