Wednesday, December 28, 2022

When Disney was delightful

To have an idea of how far Disney has fallen as a cultural icon, one needs to compare the company's odious entanglement in the most repellant woke trends with its past output. I stumbled across one of Disney's live action animal films recently, The Legend of Lobo (1962). It's a story about a wolf and his kin, filmed in the gorgeous red rock country near Sedona, Arizona, and narrated by Rex Allen, whose voice became closely associated with Disney's animal features, and always gives me a warm, nostalgic feeling, with its friendly, western twang. Here's a scene from the movie; no LGBTQXP!8 themes noted.


  1. I have to wonder how long Disney's been bad.
    The youngest Disney star who isn't a trainwreck is Kurt Russell.
    The rest are sexualized freaks.
    Britney Spears, Christine Aguilera are bad enough but Lyndsey Lohan should be a precautionary tale for all parents.

  2. It's weird. Like you, I watched a lot of Disney films narrated by Rex Allen, but I think the last one had to have been when I was a teenager. But as soon as I read his name in your post, I could remember the sound of his voice like it was just yesterday. So why can't I remember things I want to remember from all those years ago?

    And it would be the lack of any LGBTQXP!8 themes that would get it cancelled these days. Not one gay, transexual wolf in the whole movie!

  3. I just remembered something else. Rex Allen also did some Purina Dog Chow commercials. And he was a pretty good country singer, which I had forgotten but discovered when I googled his name to check my memory.
