Saturday, May 27, 2023

Well, if that's true...

...then I plan on being Al Capone: "Merrick Garland Is Slowly Defining A New Criminal Class, And Soon You’ll Be Part Of It". 

Andrey Vyshinsky: "Ah, Merrick Garland! That's m'boy!"

Update  Hey, FBI: crossing the Rubicon eventually led to the Roman Senate using Julius Caesar as a human knife block. Just sayin'...


Stephen A Skubinna said...

Crossing the Rubicon also lead to the end of the Roman Republic.

And it all happened because Caesar's enemies were so determined to destroy him that they backed him into a corner where he believed his personal survival depended on it. Fortunately our political class is much smarter than that and won't make the same mistake.

Heh heh. Sometimes I crack me up. Meanwhile I'll just sit at home waiting for Biden's stormtroopers to kick in my door, shoot my dogs, and haul me off to the Gulag.

rinardman said...

Leftists and their minions are the elite (or at least above you in the social hierarchy) and can do whatever they want without consequences.

I think I've said this before, but if they don't have to follow the law, then we don't either.

The law applies to everyone, or no one. And if it applies to no one, then what you have is a de facto state of war. May the best side win!

RebeccaH said...

Interesting read about Vynshinsky. It does seem that he contributed much to Garland's playbook.