Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Gee whiz, Dad, that sounds pretty slippery

The climate scam: it never ends. 


Veeshir said...

As we end up being smugly condescended at by ignorant fools who "Love science!"

Steve Skubinna said...

Well, sciency sciencer Sunny Hostin (of the brain trust at JPL East, also known as "The View") says that eclipses, earthquakes, and cicadas are all caused by climate change.

Which is in turn caused by Trump.

rinardman said...

See, now that's why I loved watching Leave It To Beaver when I was a kid. Ward Cleaver was a master at political analysis!

Deborah said...

Leave It To Beaver is showing now. Check your local listing. It's a welcome blast from the past.

JeffS said...

I had to look up "Hegelian dialectic", but otherwise, the message is loud and clear.

Paco said...
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Paco said...

I like the episode where Beaver accidentally spilled milk all over Wally's copy of Plato's Theory of Forms.

rinardman said...

The Beave never was a big fan of Plato, so was it really an accident? And he wasn't fond of Eddie Haskell, who gave Wally Theory of Forms in the first place.

It was always clear that Theory of Forms was what defined Eddie Haskell.

Paco said...

Ah, so the Beaver was really getting back at Eddie Haskell! that explains why Eddie later rolled up a copy of Marx's Labor Theory of Value and hit Beaver across the nose with it.