Thursday, April 11, 2024

Got news for you, dude

The idiocracy arrived a long time ago, and made itself right at home: "Idiocracy Has Arrived".

The irony is that no matter how stupid/mentally ill/obnoxious a political movement can be, it can still take over - particularly when confronted by apathy and incompetence from what purports to be the opposition.


Veeshir said...

The funny thing about Idiocracy is that, in the movie, it came about because intelligent, college-educated folks didn't have kids.
In reality, it's because folks' college educated kids are taught to be idiots.
You know, like Alexandra Occasional Cortex.

Paco said...

College degrees, these days - outside of a few, mostly scientific, disciplines - represent one of the biggest scams in history.

RebeccaH said...

Humanity survived because humans were always able to adapt and change their minds according to the facts on the ground. Too many don't seem to be able to do that anymore.

Gregoryno6 said...

And now this.
“Well, we are the same – Japan and the United States. We may be divided by distance…”