Thursday, May 9, 2024

I know you have to be wary about the results of polls...

...but this one looks legit:


Stephen A Skubinna said...

Heck, can we just assume that every Dem pol has a brain parasite?

Paco said...

First, assume a brain...

JeffS said...

What Paco said. There's a reason why zombies pass on eating donks.

Well, two reasons: zombies don't eat zombies.

RebeccaH said...

Tapeworms have been known to invade the brain, so the story is at least plausible. However, RFK Jr. is a Kennedy, and I don't think any of them were ever right. He's just more publicly weird than most of them. At any rate, the dead worm in the brain story, whether true or not, has the same flavor as Dirty Old Joe's "Cannibals ate my uncle" story.