Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Good thinking

"Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients".

H/T: Mrs. Paco


  1. Short term memory disappears first. Like what century it is.

    Biden's shtick appears to be deeply ingrained, so he may fake his way through this.

    I've heard of old ladies with severe dementia who can still prepare and cook a Sunday roast with a little help. Biden may be like that.

    It astounds me that it's come to this, though.

  2. Maybe Biden will talk about making a Sunday roast during the debate. That would be interesting.

  3. They wouldn't be far gone enough to properly represent the Foggy Groper.

  4. Glen Campbell's final tour came to mind. He probably did not know what century it was, but put a guitar in his hands and his fingers knew what to do.

    So with Biden, it seems talking self-serving BS has been his lifelong career, and it will be the last thing to go. Pity for all of us. Hope I'm wrong.

  5. Plus, his fingers always seem to know what to do.

  6. Biden's fingers. I avoid thinking about it, but that's another thing deeply ingrained in him alright.

  7. My mom had dementia, and even after she had lost the ability to communicate, she would pick up a newspaper and look like she was reading it. She started to mouth the words she was reading as she got older, and she would still do that after the dementia came. I don't know if she actually somehow understood the words, or it was like Glenn Campbell's fingers. Muscle memory, perhaps, but it was strange, nonetheless.

    I wonder what kind of drug cocktail they'll serve Biden to make him seem lucid.

  8. I wonder what kind of drug cocktail they'll serve Biden to make him seem lucid.

    I'm hoping they put Kamala in charge of that. I bet she brews a mean cup of oleander tea.

  9. He'd do better if he argues with a dementia patient and a coupla nurses.
    Be more like what's gonna happen.

  10. Dementia sufferers can have good days when they seem perfectly normal. Those days become fewer and fewer as time goes on. I imagine Dirty Old Joe will be able to spout his usual platitudes during the debate (with a little or a lot of medical juice in his veins) since that's what he's been doing his entire life.
