Friday, June 28, 2024

Hanging on like a stubborn wart

"President Joe Biden, who reportedly will not drop out of the 2024 presidential race, will participate in the second debate in September, a Biden adviser told CNN Friday."

So, Biden has decided to stay in the race (and when I say "Biden", I mean probably Joe, but certainly Jill). At this stage, I think only a decision by Joe (or Jill) to step down would enable the donks to replace him with another candidate. Gavin Newsome is being talked up as a replacement, but that pencil-necked, pomaded flake would, in my opinion, have a great deal of difficulty selling the California Story as any kind of positive model to the rest of the country. 


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 28, 2024 at 12:58 PM

    The very limited scan of media reactions puts me in mind of that Hindenburg announcer guy. Flop sweat and panic and sheer screaming terror.

    Yeah, you be scared, you jerkwads. Your entire BS edifice has just crumbled and you're frantically trying the "Ignore the small man behind the curtain" crap. We see you, and we've known for years that your Emperor had no clothes. And we've more than enough of your crap.

  2. ...but that pencil-necked, pomaded flake would, in my opinion, have a great deal of difficulty selling the California Story as any kind of positive model to the rest of the country.

    My guess is that they're thinking anyone not named Joe or Kamala would win. The MSM-DNC would love seeing the proprietor of Hotel California on the ballot.

    I would say I'd like to see Hilliary on the ballot again...except I'm scared to death she would win.

  3. I admit to be encouraged by the fallout from the debate (I had my doubts, being the pessismist I am). I thought they might jack up Dirty Old Joe on dementia drugs or cocaine that would improve his debate performance enough that he'd yell and wave his fists like he did in the SOTU allowing his supporters to claim he won. The fact that they didn't (or that those drugs don't work on him anymore) sort of confirms my suspicion that the Dems are accepting he can't win again so they're plotting out a way to replace him.

    The question now is: will Kami Klueless step in, or what Machiavellian processes are they going to use to get another candidate? Or (my favorite) allow him to run again and lose.

  4. Ace of Spades is on a flaming tear about how the media lied about Biden's mental decline for years, and are now pretty much being shown up for the liars they are.

  5. I don't see any good options for the Democrats at this point, but it's a problem of their own making. Some commentators are worried that the rest of the world now sees how weak he is, but I think any foreign leader of consequence already knew that. So I hope Biden stays in the race, and I expect Dr. Jill will do her damnedest to make that happen.

    Assuming there is a second Biden debate, I propose that we drunk-blog it at Paco. The commentary from this crowd might be quite entertaining.

  6. A&A: Great idea! I might even break out my Mason jar of apple-pie whiskey!

  7. Apple-pie whiskey in a Mason jar sounds dubious, but quintessentially American.

  8. Breitbart reports that Biden donors are rethinking their donations. A great many 'I had no idea' type comments as they tuck their wallets away.
    They had no idea? I can't imagine the effort it must have required to ignore Joe's stumbling and aimless walking, let along the rambling speeches of the last four years.

  9. Of course Kamala was chosen as VP because supposedly no threat to Joe.

    But now people want Joe replaced, Kamala has a right to first dibs, surely. It's the law right?

    I see on Gateway she's making some noise. Popcorn time.

  10. They jiggered some rigamarole so Biden's already on the ballot in Ohio, the convention would have been too late.
    If they dump Biden, he'll still be on the ballot there.
    They'll have to write-in whoever replaces him.
    At least, I think that's the way it would work if we still had a rule-of-law.

  11. It's very concerning how conveniently Hillary has joined the discussion, I remember how close it was last time, and they underestimated the number of '76 Impalas with trunks full of ballots last time, and I think that they'll bump up the numbers.
