Wednesday, June 5, 2024

If the Democrats are against it...

...I'm for it: "House Democrats displeased by Netanyahu joint session address: ‘This is a terrible time’".

The pro-Palestinian demonstrations ought to put the donks in solid with undecided voters and independents.


  1. ... with some arguing it is a bad time for him to come while a ceasefire is on the table.

    Who are they kidding? There's no ceasefire on the table except in Dirty Old Joe's foggy mind.

  2. The families of the hostages are chiming in ... ... against Slow Joe.

  3. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 5, 2024 at 12:08 PM

    Well, the Bidenistas keep saying that Biden needs to focus on all of his successes. Most successful President in history, Jack! And so perhaps having Bibi address the joint session is a good way to do so.

    After the speech, all the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC will appear and analyze the various points of optimism in Joe's brilliant foreign policy. As long as it doesn't take time away from crowing about his achievements in border security, national defense, the economy, and everything else this is a win for Biden and a win for...

    Ummm... a win for all the other guys who will be winning!

  4. They fear the Netanyahu Death Stare, that's why!

  5. I'd say they're worried about their footsoldiers freaking out and getting violent.
    Look at how they're going after Dems for Aiding! Israel's! Genocide!, imagine when Little Satan visits.
    Normal Americans will not be impressed by the violence inherent in the system.

  6. If there are firey, but mostly peaceful protests at the Capitol, to match the Trump inaugural day protests, will it be noticed? just another summer of love, with firey, but mostly peaceful protests?

    but that time it was Trump, the dictator in the White House, and those were the right sort of protesters... now it's still the right sort of protesters, but the adults are in charge.

    popcorn time...
