Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Is a Biden finally going to the hoosegow?

I seriously doubt it; however, for what it's worth, Hunter Biden's been convicted on all three gun charges.

Naturally, I'm flabbergasted and stunned that the DOJ never charged him with failing to register as a foreign agent, or for any number of narcotics-law violations. Guess Merrick Garland is still too busy chasing J6 "fugitives".


  1. 'See? We convicted a Biden AND Trump, without fear or favor. No bias in the system'.

    That's what they want us to think. Meanwhile it keeps the Bidens from getting too uppity too.

  2. Bruce: I think that's exactly right.

  3. If they were really giving Jnr the same treatment as Trump, they'd be slapping charges over the laptop on him right about now.

  4. Daddy's precious little boy won't spend a day in jail. He'll appeal, naturally, and appeal again and appeal again. Or the judge will just give him probation and community service and a fine (which somebody else will pay). In the meantime, bruce is right, President Snafu will say that "no one is above the law".

    One thing the conviction did, though, was shoot a hole through their "Trump is a convicted felon" trope. Of course, I've already seen the comeback: "But... but... but Hunter's not an elected official". Well, right now, neither is Trump.

  5. Aaaaaand now for the latest.

    Hunter's sentence to be commuted?

