Monday, June 24, 2024

Probably just another Muslim excuse to butcher dogs

"Why Hamas Supporters are Libeling Israeli Dogs"

So, apparently Hamas thinks Israelis are using dogs to rape Palestinian prisoners. Frankly, I don't think there's a dog in the world that could be trained to do that. Even a rabid dog has some standards.

"Nuh-uh. Hard pass, guys."


  1. Utterly stupid, but they know their target audience, lefties and Palis, will believe it.

  2. Not to mention, Arabs hate dogs in the first place. Combined with Veeshir’s comment, it’s a win-win for the propaganda spewers.

  3. that's an adorable little dog...

  4. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 24, 2024 at 11:38 PM

    Muslims hate dogs and consider them unclean.

    And that really is more than enough to damn them in the eyes of civilized humans everywhere. I hesitate to say that Muslims are filth... but not for long. Subhuman vermin about sums them up and I'd trade the lives of every one of them for the meanest mangy fleabitten cur.

  5. I could tell you some stories involving dogs related to me by Arab students when I was in college - but I won't.

  6. When I think of "stories involving dogs" I think of funny stuff, like jumping on people with muddy paws or eating the neighbor's Christmas turkey.
    Not deranged crap.

    That part of the world is disturbed, seriously disturbed.

    I will defend them on their hatred of dogs.
    As we know, there are no bad dogs, just bad owners.
    Imagine how messed up the dogs these savages own must be.
    When they're not scewing some person or critter, they're beating 'em.

  7. Add the 'Point one finger at me, three more point back at you' factor, and the picture gets even more ugly.

  8. Yes these people trying to whip up more hatred of Israelis are just revealing their own sick minds with stuff like this.

  9. I have a question: How does the dog get the woman undressed?

  10. rinardman: who says they're talking about women?

    1. HAW! Good point! It also applies to the virgins they're promised.

  11. Stephen: They hate dogs and church bells. No surer marks of the cloven hoof than that.
