Friday, July 5, 2024

Sorry, mister, it won't hold a charge



  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 5, 2024 at 1:02 PM

    Nah, it's all fine, it's just his brain!

    Joking, of course. He was just joking about his brain, ha ha ha. It's all a joke, you stupid wingnuts! A joke, and you dopes fell for it, ha ha! Joke's on you, ha ha!

    Oh boy, is it ever...

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 5, 2024 at 3:07 PM

    Y'know, the more I look at that photo, the more it looks like the classic "I just pooped my pants" face. But Biden makes that face all the time.

    So I dunno.

  3. The eyes are like the windows of an abandoned house.

  4. 'The eyes are like the windows of an abandoned house.'

    Thanking you in advance now, Paco, because I'm going to use that line one day.
    In the meantime it's added to my Quotes file.
