Saturday, September 14, 2024

Another cryptid fraud



  1. For a million different reasons, I'm really glad I'm not a Dimocrat. At the top of the list right now is Kamala/Kamala. How could you not be embarrassed to admit she's the best the Dimocrat Party has to offer!

    1. They really do believe in hiring - or rather, electing - the handicapped.

  2. Not a plunger, but a certain toy for very personal use, IYKWIMAITTYD.

  3. She's either an empty vessel, to be manipulated and presented by a shadowy cabal of handlers... of she's a not-too-bright but doctrinaire Marxist.

    Take your pick. But that's like choosing between colon cancer or testicular cancer. Two very bad choices.

    1. No need to pick. She qualifies for empty, manipulated vessel, and not-too-bright, and Marxist.

  4. At least that might explain the recurring horse laugh.

  5. Stephen, I'd say both.

    I do think they're planning on a big, blatant, obvious steal in November.
    Why else run her?
    Biden's brains with Hillary's likability does not a viable candidate make.

    1. They will be in Steal Mode, no doubt about that. But if they thought stealing would win, I would have expected more competition for the nomination. Smarmy Gav and Killary have both kept their heads beneath the parapet; if either thought they had a chance to win in November they surely would have raised a challenge.

    2. The Dem inner circle will employ stealing, of course. But they are, also, counting on the low information voters who are swayed by Kamala, and a hate for Trump. My sister has become a major Kamala supporter. Her demeanor has gone from controlled, able to discuss, to nasty, screaming, unable to consider facts.
