Wednesday, September 11, 2024

As usual, I didn't watch the debate...

...but I read about it, and it looks like Trump wound up debating not only Harris, but the two "moderators". Most accounts indicate Trump did more poorly than he has in the past, but I have to wonder whether that makes much of a difference; if people can't tell that Harris is lying, however smoothly, without her being fact-checked by the moderators (which didn't happen at all), then they're already woefully uninformed - which I'm not downplaying, by any means: dummies can make or break elections.

Maybe one day, in the lifetimes of my children, or my children's children, Republicans will stop agreeing to debates that are obviously traps set up by partisan hacks who are dead set on helping the Democrat contender. 

Update  Apparently, Trump did better than I had been led to believe: "Reuters Focus Group: Undecided Voters Lean Trump 2-to-1 After Debate".


  1. ...Republicans will stop agreeing to debates that are obviously traps...

    "Trump is scared to face Kamala in a fair debate, I knew it!"

    You can't win against people who have no compunction against lying through their teeth.

  2. Trump was Trump; Harris bated him and he took the bait; she said her lines, made funny faces and was assisted by the 'moderators' who double teamed Trump; it was all pretty obvious; something for everyone to like and dislike.

  3. After reading that Trump did poorly in the debate, my heart sort of dropped. Now I read that he didn’t do so bad after all, and that’s encouraging. Kami just can’t make people like her.

  4. It's funny how all the pundits agree he lost but undecided broke for Trump.

  5. Trump followed Napoleon's suggestion and avoided interrupting his enemies. Seems to have worked pretty well. Kamala tried to look condescending, and spouted the same untruths that Joe did. Someone innocent schlub on her staff will swing for that, but it was easier for her to recycle old lies than to present genuine policy.
    And the moderators hung out their colours for everyone to see.
    Trump could have fired up during the debate, but he let the other side do the work for him. His comment to Hannity afterward, that Kamala wants a second debate because she knows she lost the first, is probably more accurate than the Dems want to admit.

  6. Many pundits are just now noting that Kamala didn't actually answer any of the questions and didn't actually provide solid policy proposals. On the other hand Trump did both.

    Hmm. Also, many media outlets are being torched online for their idiotic fact checking. For example, the Seattle Times snorted their pumpkin spice lattes over Trump'
    s idiotic claim that protesters took over a large part of Seattle. And they're being slammed with community notes on CHAZ/CHOP. Many link the the paper's own coverage of it.
