Saturday, September 7, 2024

Aspiring to mediocrity

A country cannot long endure government by ninth-rate politicians: "They aren't even mediocre".

Mad TV was a sketch comedy show on Saturday nights that ran on Fox for 14 years. Unlike SNL, it was often funny. As a running joke, it ran commercials for a dating service for the “Desirably Impaired” called Lowered Expectations.
I look at the Democrat presidential ticket for 2024 and think of those sketches. Kamala and dum dum are the least accomplished candidates that I can recall. JFK may have been a playboy son of a millionaire, but he did serve in combat in World War II. Quayle’s resume was thin as well and was no Jack Kennedy, or so I have heard, but he was young and grounded in American values.
Kamala is 59 and Walz is 60. What have they done? What do they really stand for? They won’t say.


  1. They're the best the Dimocrat Party has to offer.

  2. To whom is it a benefit?

    The bureaucrats. By making people who are not even mediocre the figureheads of the country, you empower the mediocre people who run those thousands of agencies and sections in a ridiculously oversized central government. With these two losers serving as their bosses, the Civil Service-protected class will be free to continue to do as it pleases.

    Exactly. I watched a variation of this strategy at the agency I retired from; engineer districts are commanded by a colonel or lieutenant colonel, but the districts are almost entirely civilian employees.

    My district was slotted for a light colonel, and we nearly always got some freshly promoted officer who had NEVER worked with white and blue collar employees. The senior staff would generally lead the poor schmuck around by the nose for his or her entire tour ... ... almost always to the benefit of the empire builders in the district. It was sad to watch.

    We had maybe 2 officers in my career who defied that pattern. They made a difference, they made GOOD changes. And they were loathed by the empire builders.

    And when Trump was in the White House ... ... hoo doggie!

    1. When I worked for the government, I saw so many intelligent and knowledgeable people with good ideas get shot down or, more typically, just completely ignored, that I lost count.

    2. So did I, while the career empire builders moved around with impunity.
