Sunday, September 29, 2024

Jeff Flake may be gone from politics...

...but he is the same pusillanimous ass he always was: "If You Believe in the Rule of Law You ‘Can’t Support’ Trump".

Readers may recall that our good friend Junius passed along several trenchant observations on the character of this Vichy Republican some years ago.


  1. And TNR has an article purporting to explain why Mitt Romney won't publicly endorse Kamala.

    It's because he's concerned for his family's safety. That's the only reason this Quisling won't cozy up to the people who called him Hitler, said he gave people cancer. and was going to put blacks back in chains.

  2. Seriously? It's not the fact that she's an idiot? That she's unabashedly a left-wing tool? What a weasel Romney is. You know, I think intelligent, genuinely conservative candidates for office ought to do well, given the over-representation of useless, time-serving, GOPe frauds.

  3. As Trump's looking like a bear in a shooting gallery, Romney's afraid the side not shooting at its rivals and not sacking cities when it gets butthurt, will threaten his family.
    Normalizing violence against me, in other words, just stopping me before I get violent.

  4. Safe to say, Flake by name and flake by nature?
