Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday funnies


Prepare to repel boarders.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

From Power Line's The Week in Pictures.


  1. 'Drug honey collector? I thought you said drug MONEY collector!'

  2. will be misspelled and have no punctuation.

    That is so true. I had no idea a good education would lead to so much annoyance when I got old.

  3. Ah, the classic audio cassette!

    They had their brief moment, didn't they? But coming after the abortive era of the eight track they were a shining light! Joke about having the carefully extract a cassette and the resultant spaghetti snarl from the player and fine a pencil to wind it back, but at least you could fix them. When an eight track got snarled, and it always would, it was done.

    And then there was the clunky form factor! Not to mention the loud "clunk!" every fifteen minutes of so when the foil tab passed the head and signaled it to shift to the next two tracks. Lordy, it took me maybe fifteen minutes after I first had an eight track player to hate them. Cassettes were a huge leap forward!

  4. My stepfather could rewind an 8-track.
    He would unwind it all the way, wrapped around furniture all over the house, and then rewind it.
    It was impressive in a very strange way.

  5. "I'm my own grandpa..."

    Back in 1947, everyone laughed at that one!
