Thursday, September 12, 2024

That's got to be as good as a Taylor Swift endorsement

Hey, looks like Joe endorsed Trump!

Nah, I imagine Biden was just fooling around. He has a great bitterness against Trump. I think his fondest dream is to drink prune juice from Trump's skull.


  1. My favorite was when he said Let's Go Brandon.

    Biden has lots of hate. Especially for anyone who doesn't constantly praise him.

  2. I hear that Kamala is the same in wanting constant praise, but I also imagine that Biden is not happy with Kamala or any of the other co conspirators that ousted him.

  3. Oh, so he put on the Literally Hitler hat, huh? The one festooned with actual swastikas, like some white supremacist, right?

    To hell with that SOB. For years he's been telling us that Trump was an existential threat to the nation, bent on destroying democracy, the greatest danger to the nation since Fort Sumter. But what the hey, yuck yuck, let's clown around with the Nazi hat, ha ha ha?

    Screw that a$$hole. What this shows us is that he knows he's full of crap and that everything he's said about Trump and Republicans has been willful slander.

  4. Actually, Butterbrain put the hat on over another hat. I guess he didn't want that Trump stuff touching his hair plugs.
