Tuesday, September 17, 2024

With apologies to T.S. Eliot

This is the way the world ends, 

Not with a bang, but a ...bag of Cheetos?


  1. An anthropological study through a natural cave system. I'm undecided if that's brilliant or another money grubbing grant.

  2. I've got a party size bag of Flamin Hot Doritos. Leave the money in a brief case by the park bench or your cave gets it.

    1. Oh, no! Think of the little stalagmites. Some of them are only a thousand years old!

  3. I visited Carlsbad Caverns as a child, and then spent several years going to a craft workshop at Mammoth Caves hotel, and the rangers have always been very strict about bringing stuff into the caves. Tracking in spores, bringing in food, all that stuff is a no no because of the chance of causing disease in the bat populations (and I suppose the blind fish and bugs as well). So I see where they're coming from.

  4. Just as an addendum, our lovely, oh so trusted media made this a news story just to make it seem ridiculous and get people to read and comment on their crap.

  5. Why would someone need snacks inside a cave. Can't they eat before, so that they won't need to during their tour. Guess they think the rules are silly, and know better than the scientists. Shame.

  6. There appears to be a lunchroom in Carlsbad Caverns. 750 feet down.

  7. Beg to differ with the title: this is how our world began: Life appears to be unstoppable on earth. Like those deep sea critters near the volcanic vents which don't even need oxygen. So even if humans wiped out current life, the whole thing would start again, eventually a Cheeto monster would emerge from that cave. Our conservation rules are just holding it back from flourishing.
    - Bruce
