Thursday, October 3, 2024

Happy Feet Friday

Tommy Dorsey and the band demonstrate a Dixieland vibe with "Panama".

Bonus video!  Get a look at this harp/guitar combination.


  1. When I was at NAS Lemoore in the Eighties, I listened to the public radio station in Fresno.

    This was back when they played lots of music, mostly classical. This station did that, but played jazz in the evenings, and my favorite was Tuesdays when a local dude named Lew Beck did traditional jazz. Dixieland, St, Louis, Kansas City, the great stuff like you feature here.

    I think he brought his private collection to the studio... but regardless it was great! When I got orders for overseas I recorded a few nights on cassette to take with me. Sorta wish I still had a player and the tapes...

  2. There was a radio station in Miami that ran along the same lines - big band, small group, soloists - playing music from the 1930s through the 1950s, and I recorded a lot of it on cassettes, too. Still have them in boxes somewhere.
