Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A couple of new and, er, very plausible theories on how the pyramids were built

Here and here.


  1. Erich von Daniken to the white courtesy phone please, Mr. Erich von Daniken...

    1. When I was in high school and college, that guy was everywhere. You couldn't walk past a book store without seeing some of his titles displayed in the window. Movies were made about his theories, and there were plenty of television shows of varying degrees of seriousness, touting his ideas.

    2. My father and I, plus a brother, saw “Chariots of the Gods” in the theater. We were completely taken in.

      When the pictures of the “airfield” on the Nacza Plains were published, with a person for scale, we were all pretty pissed.

  2. Hahaha the first one. Second one I just can't watch AI, creeps me out.

    Kurt Vonnegut wrote in Sirens of Titan that Earth civilisation and monuments were just 'help' signals by an alien spacecraft to its home planet, which crashed here in prehistory and needs repairs to go home.

    'The meaning of Stonehenge in Tralfamadorian, when viewed from above, is: “Replacement part being rushed with all possible speed.” Page 276.'

  3. AI, huh? Okay here's a free sci-fi story idea for you.
    An alien civilization visited Earth, built the pyramids and did all those other things, and then before they left, they placed a transmitter that would be triggered by any advanced AI developed by the stupid Earthlings.
    They'll be back any day now to either be our friends...or eat us because we're ripe.

    1. Oh, we're ripe for sure.

    2. Ya know, it just occured to me that I stole most of this idea from an episode of The Twilight Zone called 'To Serve Mankind', where the 'friendly' aliens were hauling Earthlings back to their planet not to enlighten them, but to eat them. One of the Earthlings finally translated their "Manual" and it was really a cookbook.
      My version added the AI part. :-)

  4. Pooh. Everybody knows humans built the pyramids using magic.
