Saturday, November 30, 2024

Oh, this is getting good!

Click to enlarge.

I'm so glad it wasn't the odious Mike Rogers, who was recently rumored to be under consideration.


  1. I was very impressed with Patel when he was working for Devin Nunes during the Russia Collusion hoax. He seems like a take-no-prisoners guy, perfect for cleaning house at FBI. Democratic heads will be exploding, none more so than Adam Schiff.

  2. Hang on, Kash has brown skin. We were told Trump is a RACIST!!!

  3. I wonder which op the FBICIANSAetc. will use to get rid of him.
    They're gonna have a lot of Trump nominees so they don't want to overuse any one op.
    Since he wants to release Epstein's file, he'd better watch out he's not epsteined.

  4. Myself, I’m enjoying the frightened clucking by the left.

  5. And they say it must be because he's a 'Trump loyalist', because inexperienced, young, foreign (?) etc.

    But it strikes me that starting with Vance, Trump is looking for young leaders to carry on into the future. Vs the geriatric DC Swamp. Truly Presidential, preparing the USA to be led into the future when we olds are gone. Magnificent.
