Friday, December 20, 2024


Good. Maybe we can find grounds to arrest him when he's over here: "British PM Starmer Chooses Lord Peter Mandelson, Who Was Jeffrey Epstein Acquaintance, as New US Ambassador" (Maybe not such a good idea; the specter of him banging his cup on the bars of his cell demanding jellied eels or Spotted Dick is rather annoying).

Everybody who had their eyes open and their ears tuned in knew this well before Joe Biden's presidential "victory": "The terrifying scandal is that Biden was NEVER president. The full truth about the cover-up, Bad Doctor Jill and all the enemies within must be exposed".

I suppose the review process used by Biden's handlers to decide who gets a pardon is just another thing we'll never really know about. 

The continuing resolution farce: "The real problem is us. We keep electing Lucy thinking she will not pull away the football. These people always have an excuse, but they are unwilling to do what is necessary to see what it will take to break the other side."

Frankly, I think somebody ought to take a shot at one of these things and see if it shoots back: "Dronomania".


  1. Whatever happened to budgets?

    1. "Budgets? We doan need no steenkin' budgets!"

  2. Tom Paine 'advocates reason in the place of revelation' it seems. I wondered what he meant by people who have 'renounced the use of reason' - he meant anyone who believes that God intervenes in the world.

    In Paine's 'Age of Reason' they hit upon the idea that God was like a watchmaker who created everything as machines (like Roentgen's mechanical doll) but then did not intervene in the world He created.

    Prayer would be useless if that was so, for one thing, strictly speaking.

  3. Would Dark Brandon know which end of a lightsaber to hold?

    1. In reality, I doubt that his handlers let him play with those things.

    2. I bet they'd let Kamala play with one.

  4. On the subject of those proliferating pardons, recipients might be well advised to remember: it's Christmas. Don't open your presents early.

  5. I figure the pardons are being handed out according to whichever jailbirds have the richest friends.

    1. You know, a pardon might be a pretty good investment. I wonder if I can buy an open-ended version.

    2. Other than being a right-wing deplorable pseudo-Nazi icky Christian, Mr. Paco sir, I don’t know what you’d need a pardon for. Also, unless you have a few million dollars (which you may have, I don’t know) or a really rich friend with political contacts, I think you’re out of luck.
