Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Yeah, it's like that



  1. My smile in the last panel would be much bigger.
    He and his folks are wrecking up the place.
    Canceling the huge subscription fees, $12K for Polieico?, has been hilarious.
    They did not make their payroll.
    There aren't enough HAs in the world for my BWA on that one.

  2. This is so much better than what I was dreading, if she had been elected, and we had to endure another four years of Dimocrat malfeasance and insanity.
    It's looking like there's a possibility now that I can live out the rest of my life with Republicans (mostly) in charge of the country. That would be nice. :)

    1. Yeah, every now and then I wonder how it would be under the idiocracy of Harris, and the thought gives me the heebie-jeebies.
