Saturday, March 15, 2025

As my best friend's father used to say...

..."they're just et up with the dumbass".

Yeah, when you catch fire, the best thing to do is start running, yeah, that's the ticket! 

Update  When dumbassery becomes homicidal: "Second Muslim Nurse in Australia Charged with Claiming to Have Killed Jews".


  1. Even Israeli flags fight back these days.

    Those Australian Muslims should congratulate themselves for making potential employers reluctant to hire Muslims for anything.

    1. Even Israeli flags fight back these days.

      Mossad does have it ways .....

    2. Seems it would be easier and cheaper to supply them with Israeli flags, than exploding pagers.

  2. Those Muslim nurses work in Bankstown Hospital which is a Muslim area. No chance Israelis would be in their care. But broadcasting threats like that is a crime so they've been charged.

    How did they get here? The male is a refugee (thanks Catholic Church refugees program!) but the girl probably born here - Lebanese, many generations settled in Australia, at first Christian then Muslims too. My high school classmates were Lebanese and Italian. They're some of the wealthiest people in Australia, as well as dominating building industry.

    1. White Aussie guys here dominate trades because they like the freedom of being their own boss. Migrants in contrast work in family businesses. Different mindsets, different outcomes. That's just how it is.

    2. The deep irony is that those who campaigned strongest for Muslims to be accepted in Australia were Jews. It's a crazy world.

  3. YOU Australians, Bruce, need to subvert their children with Western values. We Americans used to be pretty good at that until Barack Obama came along, but we’re getting back there.

  4. Regarding the flag incineration:
    Karma has never been so Instant!
