Thursday, June 19, 2008

Friday Happy Feet

Count Basie and his orchestra perform their signature theme, "One O'Clock Jump" (from 1943).


  1. Between you and James Lileks, Paco, I swear. This was my parents' music, but it still makes my feet happy.

  2. Rebecca: It was my parents' music, too, but I think the stuff is timeless. It was Cab Calloway, I believe, who referred to swing as "pop music for adults." Swing, at its best, just has an irrepressible joy to it that has always appealed to me.

  3. Yeah, but by this point I can't be bothered if it isn't fronted by Paco in his zoot suit.

  4. I'd like to get one, and then figure out reasons to wear it, except:

    Wrong body type. I'm 6'2", 230 lbs, and you want narrow hips... just check out the guy in the red one in Tizona's second link and see what I mean. I'm nowhere near that beefy, but beefy enough to ruin the look.

    Wrong hair color and amount. Bald, except where it's blond. And instead of a pencil thin mustache or a van Dyke or soul patch, I have a closely trimmed full beard.

    Oh, I'm manly as all get out, but not zoot suit material. Peacoats and watch caps are more my idiom. A man's got to know his limitations.

  5. May I ask how one links at these kind of blogs? I asked Andrea once, and she kicked me in the balls. signed; the idiot known as dean martin
