Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Three Cheers for the Second Amendment!

I don't normally celebrate Supreme Court decisions, but in this case, I might make an exception, maybe treat myself to a present. This looks like fun.


Anonymous said...

I've read about The Judge. Looks very practical, especially with a choice of ammo like that.

But I'll have to put off buying one for a while.....just having picked up two bullet launchers of late.

Paco said...

What'd you get RJ? I saw a show the other day where a guy was firing a .500 magnum S&W. Man, that's a whole lotta gun!

Paco said...

Woops! I mean, the .50 magnum, model 500.

SwampWoman said...

I'd like one o' them thangs for carjackers and such.

A young man my daughter knows got carjacked in Jacksonville, if you call some thugs walking up, shooting him, and driving off in his vehicle carjacking.

Anonymous said...

paco, I'll drop you an e-mail about my arsenal additions.

Swampwoman, that's sad to hear. It's also a good reason to carry a weapon with a round chambered.

Anonymous said...

We've got a pharmacy and last year some drug addled thug walked in, stuck a hand gun into my wife's stomach and proceeded to steal a lot of drugs. Quite aside from the psychological trauma it was the fact that we by law can't have a hand gun in the shop. I wasn't there at the time, but my very strong eldest son was and if a gun was there he would have considered a way to use it.

The effing useless police did nothing. And some 10 months later, still have done nothing.

All credit to the US for its accurate assessment of why people have the rights to defend themselves against the gutter rubbish that always finds guns to help them achieve their bottom dwelling desires. Mehaul Australia.

Paco said...

Mehaul- Therein lies the great irony of gun control: the police can't protect you in a situation like that, and the law doesn't give you a chance to protect yourself. I'm glad things didn't turn out worse than they did for your family.

In the U.S., one still has to be careful how and when one uses even a legal firearm, but as the old saying goes, better to be tried by twleve than carried by six.

Anonymous said...

Nice choice, but I always loved my S&W Model 36. And I am sure many of your Private Eye characters would swear by the 36. WWBD - he would doubtless carry a blued 36 - it fits in any pocket of any trenchcoat ever made.

Paco said...

Anonymous: Old Paco carried an S&W model 36 as a back-up when he was with the ATF. It's a great little gun.

SwampWoman said...

I have had a Smith and Wesson model 10 with a nickel finish for 30 years. Daughter favors a .357.

Anonymous said...

"A number four shot load followed by four hollowpoints might be just about ideal for social work."

Sounds ideal for your situation Mehaul.