Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rebellion in Leftywood

First came John Voight. Now, here comes David Zucker. Could it be that the invincible Death Star of Hollywood leftism is about to throw a rod?


Anonymous said...

The more I read of the Hollywood left, the fewer movies that I will watch......except for those that are not anti-American.

There are a lot of heroes in Hollywood....far more than when McCarthy went on his rampage, and very few of them on the left.

RebeccaH said...

Excellent find, Paco! I'm heartened to see all the right-wing big names, and I bet there are many, many more in Hollywood than we suspect, simply because they've kept quiet in order to keep their careers. If they see the opportunity to speak up without being ruined (i.e., black-listed or McCarthyized) by the left, more of them will start speaking up, and maybe we'll finally get some decent movies in the bargain.

Because, you know, it's amazing how many lefties were mugged by 9/11.