Thursday, December 18, 2008

Taliban Terrified of Semi-Nude Lithuanians

Exurban League has the link to a great piece by Michael Yon which includes a fascinating look at the exploits of Lithuanian Special Forces in Afghanistan.


SwampWoman said...

I thought the headline said that the Taliban were terrified of semi-nude Lutherans.

They visit the beaches here from up north and while I don't find them all that terrifying, I am going to vote against allowing any nude beaches in my area.

Anonymous said...

It's often forgotten but at the same time as the crusaders were busy around Jerusalem and parts, another crusade of equal theological merit was being waged against the ancestors of the Lithuanians and involved even harder fighting. The recent pacifist instincts in that part of the world have largely erased our memories that these were serious warriors once upon a time and in the case of Lithuanians still are.

Anonymous said...

War is partly brinksmanship, but it is many other things as well. Convincing your enemy, or at least giving them reason to believe, that you are as mad or more so than they are, is helpful.

Paco said...

CAC: Quite so. The Lithuanians, as I recollect, were targeted by the Teutonic Knights.

SwampWoman: Lutherans, HAW!