Sunday, February 1, 2009


1) Can we question their patriotism? Yes we can!

2) The Currency Lad is back from vacation, and bloggin’ up a storm!

3) The more I read about the so-called “stimulus plan”, the more I’m convinced that, in reality, it’s just the worst case of Democrat blue balls in history.

4) Indications are that New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg is not going to accept the top job at Commerce. I can’t imagine why a person would want any kind of job at Commerce, up to and including the top one. It’s one of those huge, dysfunctional agencies that never seems to accomplish anything (Quick! Name one thing this agency has done in the last ten years – besides sucking up a lot of taxpayer money; no fair Googling!).

5) No global warming problem in Kentucky; no FEMA, either. How incredibly odd that President Bush should have declared Washington, D.C. an emergency area for no better reason than that Obama's inauguration was expected to create traffic jams, yet President Obama not only doesn't declare a federal emergency, but blithely dines on expensive steak while a bitter winter storm leaves a million people without power, and has led to 42 deaths. Where's the compassion, Barry? And even more to the point, where's the media? (Yes, that was a rhetorical question).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1) "Apparently Diogenes would have been hard-pressed to find an honest Democrat. " I think Diogenes would get drunk on the thought of finding an honest Democrat.

2) Yay!

3) With Pelosi and Reid controlling the feeding trough, how else?

4) Commerce -- the department that time forgot.

5) Isn't it odd what a huge difference 4% makes?