Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lose 'Em

Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx’s straight man, wrote that “an ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.” And so it is, as Obama and the Democrats in congress have shot out of the blocks with their so-called “stimulus” bill, which has practically no transparent theoretical underpinning, but all the action that Democrat interest groups could possibly have asked for. Far worse than the mere pork, however, is the fact that the bill is an insidious attempt to inject socialism into our political economy. The stimulus bill is the smallpox-infected blanket by means of which the Democrats seek to weaken and, if possible, destroy the strong historical traditions of personal freedom and responsibility that have made America a great nation. It is a bridge to the “soft socialism” of Europe that has produced a teeming class of underemployed malcontents, a stagnant intellectual climate, and a vacuous culture that looks with impotent horror on the recrudescence of militant Islam. And it won’t do any good to say it can’t happen here. It can happen anywhere.

This is the main reason why I argue that Collins, Snow and Specter should be targeted for replacement. They have been given plenty of latitude to play at compromise and “aisle-spanning.” This was one occasion when it was essential for them to stand with the party, and they declined – and ignominiously so, since not one of the three could produce a single plausible reason for supporting the bill (I do not consider Collins’ leap off the ledge in response to her constituents shouting “Jump!” to be an acceptable excuse; nor was Specter’s maundering nonsense, which pretty much boiled down to “I didn’t know the thing was loaded!”, anything more than imbecilic rationalizing). No doubt the Republican Party needs to broaden its appeal, but not by continuing to support these cross-dressing Democrats. Take 'em off life support, I say. A smaller, but highly-principled, party may struggle in the short-term, but it will make of itself a beacon of genuine hope and change when the Obama Express runs off the tracks into the gorge.


richard mcenroe said...

We can't wait for the RNC to act on this. Start looking for rival candidates to these false-flag Republicans, like Toomey in PA, and start encouraging and donating to them now.

TW: leppu: Night of the Leppu, starring Snow, Collins and Spectre, three seemingly harmless oversize predators biting us off at the ankles...

2nd TW: flayi: as in flayi'n's too good for them.

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party does need to broaden its appeal. You do that by articulating sound ideas and principles that people feel comfortable with. Reagan didn't move, people moved to him because of what he was saying. The "tent" expanded around him and his ideas and not the other way around.

Paco said...

Yojimbo: Exactly so. The Republicans need to create a situation that attracts people to their own banner, rather than ape the policies and attitudes of the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Essentially, the RNC is appeasing a certain segment of the population by not booting The Cretinous Three™. Appeasement, as rational folks know, never works. Time for the RNC to learn that lesson....again.

RebeccaH said...

At risk of offending anyone here, the RNC needs to rely less on its historical principles, and more on reaching out and understanding the views and desires of the majority of Americans. We're largely middle-of-the-roaders, leaning fairly right on some things, (very) slightly left on others. Rigid ideology is not going to do us any good, liberal or conservative, and we should shrug off those who can't flex.

That said, the lunatic left has co-opted the public discourse through arrogant intimidation and sheer volume. It's time we on the right and the middle repaid in kind (and possibly with interest).

TW: spitte: Take that, Obamists.

Anonymous said...

I received a donation request today from the RNC, Michael Steele's first one. It's a decent one, and actually reflects a lot of what's being discussed here, especially what Rebecca said.

I'm considering sending in some cash, with a letter attached, along the lines of, "If you want more, show more of a backbone. I don't want retribution, but it's time to start trimming off the self-serving characters like Collins, Snow, and Spectre. If they're not RINOs, they are certainly corrupt, and that's the biggest problem we have now. Clean up the Republican Party!"

Anonymous said...

Mrs. H.

It's not a "rigid ideology" as much as actions taken in accordance with a beief system.

What is better at advancing the human condition, individual liberty or government central planning?

Reagan faced far worse conditions than Obama in the early 1980's. His actions were taken in accordance with a certain belief system not a rigid system that tells you to look on page 3 whenever this or that happens.

Remember that old quote about "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."? Did that trigger a certain chord in you, or some rigid formula?

Would you rather have Reagan coming up with solutions to this mess or Obama?