Friday, August 21, 2009

Charles Gibson, Warmonger

Having puffed Cindy Sheehan’s protest career during Bush’s second term, for some strange reason, which I am completely unable to fathom, Charles Gibson now says, “Enough, already.”

Truth to tell, I do not wonder at this change of heart overmuch. While Cindy Sheehan was serving the Left’s purpose by, effectively, walking around wearing an anti-Bush sandwich board, she was portrayed in the MSM as the grieving mother whose son had died in Bush’s war of aggression, a woman whose moral authority was indisputable. Now that we have a new President who far better suits the ideological taste of Mr. Gibson (and whom, let us be frank, Gibson did his best to help elect by means of his ludicrously condescending, schoolmarmish attitude during the Palin interview), Sheehan has lost her luster, and is merely a sad, publicity-hungry crank. As the saying goes, I question the timing.

(H/T: Powerline)


  1. The left likes its own useful idiots.

    Uses them and spits them out.

    The amazing thing is that they can't see this pattern in others who use them as useful idiots.

  2. Gibson was against the war before he was for the war.

  3. I wonder if Medea's taking her calls these days?

  4. Just for a little perspective, it's important to remember that Gibson sits on the board of the nonprofit that was caught laundering an illegal $800,000 for ACORN from the Obama campaign...
