Sunday, August 16, 2009

Flying Plummeting Squirrels

Swampie spends the wee hours rescuing baby squirrels


kc said...

Some cute pics of cute kids, too!

JeffS said...

If Swampie handles this right, she could have her own private militia.

SwampWoman said...

Heh. Guard squirrels!

SwampWoman said...

I have to say that the one time we had a house squirrel that we raised with a bottle, she would happily ride around on my or daughter's shoulder but would attack SwampMan with teeth and claws when he dared entered her territory (come inside the house). Blood would flow if he didn't call and alert us to lock up squirrel before he arrived!

Paco said...

Jeff: Those are some squirrels who are serious about defending their hoards of acorns.

JeffS said...

Actually, Paco, I was thinking more like defending against hordes of ACORNs.

But I quite understand squirrels defending their property!

richard mcenroe said...

OMG! They're SQUIRRELS! They're hitting the ground like bags of ...

Hmm. Nope. needs something...

RebeccaH said...

I've observed squirrels for a long time. In Texas, they were few in number, rangy, stringy, and elusive. In Michigan, they were either black or a dusty white (with a few brown ones... very odd). In Ohio they are nature's Mafia. I have to drive them off my bird feeder in the winter, and then only with offensive weapons {my trusty slingshot). The cowbell just doesn't do the trick anymore.

Minicapt said...

From one of my favourite magazines:


SwampWoman said...

Heh. I put out corn for the neighborhood squirrels. They don't know they're part of my emergency food supply.