Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Democrats Add Some Fine Print to the Bill of Rights

Democrats have attached a provision to the National Defense Authorization Act that could be used to undermine our free speech (Byron York explains).

Odd. We send our troops abroad to risk life and limb in defending American interests, while, back home, cynical Democrats attempt to make the America to which those troops will one day return unrecognizable.

This is yet another reason why I have zero patience with RINOs, who seem to believe that the Democrats, while perhaps sometimes misguided, are generally acting in good faith. No, they’re not. The Democratic Party has become an utterly corrupt organization, not only with respect to the actual violations of law committed by many of its individual members, but, more importantly, in connection with the generational-theft enterprises represented by health care “reform”, cap-and-trade, stimulus bills and God knows what else to come.

Bargain with your own souls, Senator Snowe, Senator Graham, but don’t drag the rest of us down with you. We don’t need a one-and-a-half party system in this country.


RebeccaH said...

Fire Congress! Throw ALL the bums out!

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya, Paco! One point though. The Democrats "haven't become" what they are. They have always been this way.

Deborah Leigh

OT rant. I sign up for a Google identity and still can't get the darn thing to work. (She threatens the tower with an attempt at a field goal.) Thanks for listening everyone. We now return to our regularly scheduled program that is in progress. Back to you Paco.

Robert of Ottawa said...

I feel your pain, Paco.

RINOs are falling for the Joe Clarke fallacy.

Joe CLarke was Canadian Prime Minister from 1979 to 1979. He is widely regarded as a fool. He thought that conservatives only had to adopt liberal or left policies to get elected.

RINOs are the same. Despise them righteously!