Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gee, Grandma, What a Big Caliber You Have

Wayne Winston attempted to rob a family in their hotel room, when great-grandma drew on him. He is now the late Wayne Winston (H/T: Don Surber).


JeffS said...

Always use the biological safety: take your finger OFF the trigger when you aren't ready to fire. This is an excellent technique to avoid accidental firearm discharges, such as the great-grandmother had.

Yojimbo said...

A Yojimbo Weaponized Granny of the Year Award AND,
A Yojimbo BFTA* to young Winston.

Except for the second shot, what's not to like!:)

*Blunt Force Trauma Award

Mikael said...

In Denmark, the perp's family would know be offered tax-paid grief counseling and the old lady would be behind bars facing an illegal possession of firearms and at least a murder 2 charge. That's a ten year rap right there.
Given her age, she would probably do a few years bad time, then get paroled.

I really envy you guys. Do me a favor and stick to your guns and religion and your second amendment.

And stick it to anyone who wants to take those rights away. It happened in Europe, it could easily happen to you.

Word: nowstair: What I would shout if a burgler came to my apartment. Since I'm not allowed to own a gun, I'd had to kick him first in the nuts, then down the stairs. And I would enjoy too!

RebeccaH said...

...he had warned people attending the Congress about a rash of vehicle break-ins at motels in the I-71 and Rt. 161 area -- 102 thefts from autos between mid-August and late September.

Whaddya want to bet that with the demise of young Winston, the number of vehicle break-ins will also decline dramatically? Good for Grandma!

Paco said...

Mikael: I plan on keeping my religion and my guns and the Bill of Rights no matter what.

SwampWoman said...

Yeah, same here.