Friday, October 23, 2009

I’ve Got a Feeling We’re Not in Chicago Anymore, Rahm

Ok, I think I’ve got Obama figured out.

a) Politically, he grew up in the corrupt Democratic incubator of Chicago. The last Republican mayor of the Windy City was Al Capone’s poker buddy, “Big Bill” Thompson. Republicans in Chicago have long been a rare breed, and therefore easy targets.

b) The main thing Chicago Democrats have to fight about is dividing up the spoils. And they fight dirty.

c) Conservatives normally (though not always) take shelter under the Republican umbrella, so they’re treated as being interchangeable with the GOP (see “a”, above).

d) As a Chicago-trained politician whose time as a U.S. senator was very short, he never really grasped the idea that the rest of the country isn’t like Chicago (not all of it, anyway).

e) When he was elected president, he figured the USA was just Chicago writ large.

f) As a result of “e”, he has had no problem trying to bully Republicans and those entities that he believes (often mistakenly) are Republican affiliates (insurance companies, banks, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News).

g) Bush was a Republican, so Obama is driven to be the un-Bush; therefore, historical allies become, in his mind, honorary Republicans, and thus suitable for trashing and shoving around. Conversely, America’s (read “Bush’s”) enemies – Iran, Cuba, maybe, now, the Taliban - are transformed into something like honorary Democrats, i.e., international constituents to be reconciled, placated, bought off.

h) Disastrous boondoggles like health care “reform”, cap-and-trade and porkulus are simply bigger, more complex versions of, say, a subsidized housing project or a new park or the filling of potholes in front of a big campaign donor’s house.

Conclusion: Obama’s really pretty stupid. Come 2012, we’ll see how many of the rest of us are.

Anyway, that’s my thesis.


richard mcenroe said...

I gots me a simpler scientificated hypoteneuse...

Anonymous said...

Over 62 million were the dunces in 2008. One would think (which is quite often bad to do) that number has dwindled. We shall see.

The 2010 elections will be a portent of things to come, should those elections go further left'ish, two things.

One. Keep your weapons in good working order.

Two. Purchase ski's 'cause it will be all downhill from that point.

JeffS said...

I lived in Chicago for 5 years, and the politicians in that city (and state) pretty much live (b), Paco. I concluded it was a feudal warlord system with the democratic process providing a facade a couple of years into my stay.