Saturday, December 19, 2009

Copenhagen a Smashing Success!

No sooner does the climate change conference in Copenhagen close than global warming is mercilessly crushed in Fairfax, Virginia. We've got a foot of snow now, and the major precipitation is still to come (there are blizzard warnings until 6:00 pm today).

Click to enlarge and enjoy the full, frigid wrath of Gaia!


  1. That's not your place,'s far too big, looks like al'gore's palace to me.

    All the best to you and yours for Christmas and the New Year. 2010 should be fun


  2. Thanks, OSM. All the best to you and your family.

  3. The snow looks lovely but then I am sitting in Florida and the temps are in the mid 60's.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours,
    Master Paco!


  4. Heh, this time last year I was in Florida. Now I'm in Virginia too. The snowdrifts are up to my waist, and my car is completely buried.

  5. Andrea: But you sound...happy about that.

  6. Hey, is that Bing Crosby?

  7. Paco, Mrs Skeeter wants you to know that she is presently sitting at her computer blissfully immersed in your images of falling snow.
    Our air-con is calling for full-cold and your pictures are adding to the illusion that it is not hot here.
    Thank you for adding to our coolness.

  8. Skeeter: Glad to oblige!

    Incidentally, Mabel - the official dog of Paco Enterprises - has had a ball out there, although she has to sort of lunge through the snow. She became absorbed with some deer tracks we spotted in the rear of the house, completely submerging her head in the snow.

  9. Hmmm.
    Has Mabel provided venison for dinner tonight?

    There are a number of feral deer (escapees from deer farms) roaming in our area.
    We recently admired one, in full antlers, posing on our river bank.
    A few conifers and some falling snow would have made a perfect Christmas picture.
    But we remain hopeful that such climate change will not occur in our lifetime.

  10. I am overwhelmed with disappointment. You have not hand-constructed a "SnowGore" in your front yard, replete with bulging guts, powerpoint remote control in hand, tilted head, bleeding heart and shyster's smile.

    Something Mabel would enjoy yellowing the sides of.

    Penguin, of temperate Sydney (but who, as a snow lover, is green with envy).

  11. Penguin: Believe it or not, I did, indeed, consider the possibility of making a Gore Man; however, I need just the right kind of wig, and I wasn't sure I could capture the vacant look in his eyes. I hadn't thought about the remote, though. That might have been all the detail I needed.

  12. Is that snow, or mashed potato gone wrong?

  13. Boy on a bike,

    Paco is doing much of the housework these days and used a little too much detergent in that last load of laundry.

  14. What's all that white stuff everywhere?

    I get hail storms occasionally, but no flaky white shit drifts down to cover my house.... ever.

    Merry Christmas, Paco, and best wishes to all!

  15. Paco Inc's roving correspondent writes from Prague where the snow is similarly thick on the ground. Coming from Australia where we celebrate Christmas as God intended it - in shorts and at the beach - it's all a bit different. The novelty is starting to wear off though so please Mr Gore can we have a break now?

  16. Is that snow, or mashed potato gone wrong?

    Nah, it's snow, all right. My mashed potatoes aren't anywhere near this fluffy.

  17. BTW, a special welcome to all my old Aussie mates. Has Rudd returned home yet from his adventure in Denmark?

  18. No return of Rudd yet. Saw him on a lefty news show last night claiming a victory of sorts. He looked crushed. Somehow, I didn't share his disappointment.

    This whole COP thing has followed nicely upon our recent "rebellion of the conservatives" here that crushed our imposter opposition leader and (temporarily) killed off cap and trade in Australia.

    I'm hoping it has awakened more of the everyday Aussies regarding the whole AGW scam.

    Certainly, when our government re-introduces it's cap and trade tax to Parliament in February Rudd will have a fight on his hands.

    We have a federal election next year and AGW is shaping up as a central issue.

    I'm sure you've heard of the polls throughout the Anglosphere that show that more people are realising AGW is rubbish.

    It should be an interesting year.


  19. I'm flying back to the East Coast Xmas eve. Try to save me a little snow, willya guys. Looks like you're short.

  20. Kindly adjust your GPS settings as Fairfax is now south of Bucolic.

  21. That is not snow; just a collection of little white lies.

    Seriously, Paco, at last Virgins can understand Candins. Learn to love it; it will be back every year for a decade or so.

    And a merry Christmas to the Pacoistas.

  22. Robert: You mean, there may be more next year?!? I ain't havin' that! It's off to Arizona for me!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  23. Heading that way Wednesday to visit a gaggle of relatives in NW DC. Good to see it'll be a rare white Chritmas in the DC area.

    Don't let any climate skeptics around or it might melt the snow in a reverse Gore Effect. Oops, I'm a climate skeptic. Nevermind.

    Tommy Shanks

  24. ...and Merry Christmas, of course!

  25. Whatever possessed you to invite Al Gore round for dinner?

    Merry Christmas, Paco and Co.

  26. Has Rudd returned?

    I bloody hope not!
