Friday, January 1, 2010

Hey, you know who would make a great president? Janet Napolitano

Columnist David Broder, who apparently enjoys nestling within the narcotic clouds of an opium den, continues to experience highly original insights (H/T: Dan Riehl).

BTW, new definition of "aplomb": mouthing inanities while staring into the middle distance like a basset hound waiting for its next meal.


JeffS said...

I wouldn't vote for J-No as President of the Glee Club.

Yojimbo said...

Blissfully free from the ravages of reality. We are but two months away from issuing IOUs to government workers under the last of the Incompatano budgets.

Broder may be the paradigm case argument for "string theory". There may just be another alternate reality out there where she is aplumb and not an A-bomb on the body politic.