Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sorry, Mates

For those who (correctly) got the idea from a previous post that I was working on a Detective Paco story involving Ellie Light, I'm afraid the story's not on after all. The real identity of "Ellie" has been discovered, and the facts don't fit my story-line at all. Back to the drawing board.


  1. D'oh. Maybe go global. Something with Pachauri et. al. in it?

  2. Thank God you didn't go with the Dallas strategy. Showers are so yesterday.

    Please hurry though. The junkies are waiting.

    Deborah Leigh

  3. "Back to the drawing board."

    You write your Detective Paco stories on a drawing board? How do you transcribe the longhand to the computer? Or you do just have an extraordinarily large keyboard?


  4. Paco! I'm disappointed.

    I would have thought you an advocate of the old mantra "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story"

    William's Dad Mick (bloody kid's taking over my computer)

  5. William: Greetings! Unfortunately, the facts in this instance were almost weirder than my imaginings.

  6. So...I guess we'll have to wait until your dead and your heirs decide to cash in on your fame and hire someone to 'assemble your notes' and release the unfinished work as a full-length Det. Paco story. Oh well.

  7. How do you expect us to nominate you for the Nobel Prize in LIteratur if you don't churn out the Detective Paco stories? Hurry up.

  8. Hey, you can still nominate me for the Nobel Prize for "Best dressed blogger".

  9. "Back to the drawing board."
    Paco draws the pictures; Mrs Paco has to 'develop' the wording.
    It's like charades ...

