Friday, February 26, 2010

Nancy Pelosi thinks you are stupid

You know what we got here, Clyde? Why, what we got is the most ethical Congress in the history of these United States. Don't believe it? Just look over there at Charlie Rangel. The House rules committee found him guilty of gettin' his hand caught in the til. And you know what? Someday we might even ask him nicely to step down from his position as head of the House Ways and Means Committee - although, on second thought, maybe not; there ain't nobody knows the ways and means like Charlie, and that can be kinda useful. Still, he got his wrist slapped with a rolled-up copy of the New York Times, so why don't we just say he paid his debt to society and move on?


Anonymous said...

Actually, I doubt Pelosi thinks about you at all. She's too full of herself. She simply expects everyone to unquestioningly believe every lie that spews from her mouth, just like she does.

What an appalling woman.


mojo said...

I believe I'm distantly related to that woman...

Paco said...

Bonnie Parker? Cool!