Sunday, March 28, 2010

Henry Waxman insists that 2+2=5

The ramifications of the new health care legislation are being felt immediately, as many large companies are already making provisions of hundreds of millions of dollars to cover the new costs.

Rep. Henry Waxman, however, just can't believe that this wonderful new bill would require companies to do such a thing, so he has sent letters to executives of some of these companies demanding that they explain their accounting decisions. After all, Waxman writes, "The new law is designed to expand coverage and bring down costs, so your assertions are a matter of concern."

Wonderful. ObamaCare is driving up costs, but the Democrats can't afford the embarrassment of this fact being publicized because it runs counter to the narrative, so they're going to try to bully companies into foregoing the accounting entries that they need to make in order to properly provision for the increased expenses (or at least keep quiet about it). But none dare call this socialism (let alone fascism, which this kind of action more nearly resembles).

Update: Dan Riehl warns that we'll be seeing much more of the same.

Update II: Dennis the Peasant provides some interesting insights.


RebeccaH said...

If I were the Republican Party, I'd be shining as big a spotlight on this outrage as possible, and giving the CEOs of these companies a chance to shout from the rooftops about what this healthabomination is going to cost us.

Paco said...

I agree 100%. This is nothing more than a heavy-handed attempt by the liberals to silence criticism of their health care bill.

Anonymous said...

Right, that's a surprise.

JeffS said...

Waxman is letting his inner fascist shine through.

OK, OK, less "inner", more "innate".

thefrollickingmole said...

Gee, like pressuring companies to forgo the usual rules of prudence and correct accounting worked so well for the banking industry?

Are they really that pus braindly stupid not to see the parallels?

You cant make a company absorb your political losses without wrecking the company....unless of course thats the plan anyway.

bruce said...

Cargo Cult.

Waxman actually looks like one of those pagan idols on an old Hollywood set.

Minicapt said...

Why do you dislike 'pagan idols'?


bruce said...

Oops, yes I guess I am being unfair to the pagan idols, who are after all just doing their job, unless they are idle...

JeffS said...

Here's an alternate view* of the situation, Paco. FWIW.


*: Warning, language content.

Paco said...

Jeff: Great link!

Anonymous said...

Waxman is calling in the insurance executives so Waxman can learn 1. What's really in the bill and 2. how accounting works and 3. how government works.

He is a moron.

- drjohn