Sunday, April 11, 2010

I bet all those Aztec priests went through the same thing when Cortez conquered Mexico

Who could this be?
Nowadays, [he] needs medication to fall sleep. He feels a constant tightness in his chest. He takes beta-blockers to help him get through the day. He is gaunt and his skin is pallid. He is 57, but he looks much older.
A failed Wall Street tycoon? A congressman caught in flagrante delicto with an intern?

Why, no, it’s Phil Jones, the head of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England.
His days are now shaped by investigative commissions at the university and in the British Parliament. He sits on his chair at the hearings, looking miserable, sometimes even trembling. The Internet is full of derisive remarks about him, as well as insults and death threats. "We know where you live," his detractors taunt.
Click the link to read the whole fascinating article in Spiegel Online, which also includes a profile of Canadian Steve McIntyre, the “Jack” in this tale of Climate-Change giants who has been hacking away at the global-warming beanstalk from his small house in Toronto. A sample:
One day, McIntyre came across a curve that seemed all too familiar to him. It was the famous hockey stick curve (see graphic), with which US climatologist Michael Mann sought to prove that, during the last millennium, temperatures have never increased as sharply as they are rising today.

But McIntyre was suspicious. "In financial circles, we talk about a hockey stick curve when some investor presents you with a nice, steep curve in the hope of palming something off on you."
I wonder what Al Gore makes of it all...


JeffS said...

Jones is finished: emotionally, physically and professionally.

This is HIS fault, utterly and completely. Jones hitched his wagon to the AGW star, and is now paying the price. I have no sympathy for him, not with the crap hysterical greenies have dumped on us "denialists" over the years.

Irobot said...

Nowadays, [he] needs medication to fall sleep. He feels a constant tightness in his chest. He takes beta-blockers to help him get through the day. He is gaunt and his skin is pallid. He is 57, but he looks much older.

Stress caused by the guilt associated with such a massive lie is obviously too much for the poor chap.

Harden up princess. You were caught out and it is time to pay the piper.

RebeccaH said...

That's a good article at the link, and eminently more fair than most of the bullpuckey put out by AGW True Believers. I conclude from it, then, that golly gee whiz, the climate is changing the way it always has, and the world isn't going to end.

As for poor Dr. Jones' sad condition, why would I believe that any more than his sloppily-conducted research?

ck said...

He'll still walk away from this scam with more money than I will make in my lifetime. All he did was try to help rotten goverments end government by consent of it's citizens.

Merilyn said...

Come to think of it Gore has been very quite of late.......he wouldn't be packing his gear to flee by any chance would he?